Transcribe as a team

Invite friends, family and others

If you want to allow other people to use your time out of balance, then invite them to your plan.

How it works?

How it works?

A brief description of the steps to follow for sending invitations to the plan.

Start from you plan

Check that you have enough time in your balance to make sure you have enough time to allow other users to use it.

Send invitations

Suggest some users by adding their email address.Only those who are registered will receive the invitation.

Manage invitations

The plan owner can manage the invitations sent. They can view details of each user's time usage and remove them from the plan at any time.

External plans

Each user who has been invited to use time in a plan can switch to it at any time. They can see the difference between their plan and external plans.

Harmony in Transcription: Inviting Loved Ones to Co-Author the Symphony of Shared Stories

In the symphony of transcriptions, collaboration is the melodic dance that transforms spoken words into written notes. Consider an invitation extended to friends and family, inviting them to join the orchestra of understanding. Together, we transcribe the narratives of shared conversations, each keystroke harmonizing with the heartbeat of connection.


Frequently Asked Questions

Below is a set of questions and answers on the features of the invitation system.

Are there any other costs for using the invitation system?

No. The invitation system is free for all users.

Is there a limit of invitations per account?

No. There is no limit to the number of invitations per account.You can send and receive unlimited invitations.


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