8 Powerful Benefits, Why Transcription Audio to Text Matters

Rolaxit Innovation | Feb 16, 2023

8 Powerful Benefits, Why Transcription Audio to Text Matters

Transcript audio to text has many advantages, both for you and your audience. The most notorious example, and the one that comes to mind first, is that of making content more accessible to deaf and hard of hearing people. While it is true that this is one of the main advantages, there are many others that make transcription so necessary and advantageous. Here are the main advantages of transcribing audio and video and why transcription is so necessary today.

8 reasons to transcribe audio and video.

If you were wondering why transcription is important, here's the main purpose of transcribing audio and video files to text. Let's get started!

1. Content accessible to everyone

It has long been known that transcripts help not only the hearing impaired or deaf, which was previously believed. Today, transcripts and accessible content help everyone to better understand the content of the video, even if they do not have a disability.Therefore, transcripts make your content much more engaging and beneficial for everyone.

This list includes:

  • People who are affected by hearing loss.
  • People who speak languages other than your own
  • Those who, for whatever reason, don't like to listen to podcasts or watch videos, and prefer to read.
  • Busy people who want to be able to scroll through their transcript while listening to it
  • People at work or commuters who don't have their headphones plugged in, or who aren't in an environment where they can play media content.

As you can see, the list covers a wide range of people and times when transcription comes into play.

2. Increase comprehension and give your audience more reasons to stay

By using subtitles and transcripts in your audio or video clips, you'll help users follow speech or conversations much more smoothly.On-screen text ensures that viewers can fully appreciate your videos, regardless of the background noise that may be going on in the room. Transcribed text and subtitles also help to better understand fast-paced dialogue or dialogue with an unfamiliar or foreign accent, causing the user to avoid rewinding the video or increasing the volume, or even slowing it down to understand what the conversation is about. When a user cannot understand an audio well, or cannot adjust to simply listening to the audio, if a transcript or subtitles are available, the user may want to stay until the end. Something that would be impossible in a context of noise or audio problems on your device if it were not for transcription and captioning.

3. Reuse and maximize the potential of the recording

Instead of simply publishing a transcript as is, you can use it as the basis for a blog post to attract users to your website.You can also upload your media file on the same page. This means that your visitors can choose for themselves whether they want to read the text on their own, watch the video or listen to the audio file.When you choose to transcribe a video, you can edit anything unnecessary, improve the language, add formatting, headings and structure. You can also expand on the points you made or make them easier to read. It's an easy way to get more out of your content without too much work. Many popular sites choose to do this. They post, for example, a YouTube clip at the top of the page and then a transcribed version below in the form of an article or blog post. Avoid losing potential audiences by transcribing videos. Depending on the length of the videos or audio recordings you produce, there may also be valuable information on several different topics in a single media file. Therefore, you can use that video to generate many different pieces of content, which can lead to increased traffic and readership on your site.

4. Increase interaction and reach of the video or audio

Transcripts of your audio or video, no matter what platform they are uploaded on, will get more users to comment, like or share your content.Transcripts and subtitles help user retention and understanding, and if the content is of value or interest to the audience, it will surely boost even more the interaction it generates in the community.That's right. If your video or audio is not at all interesting for your audience or the quality of it is very poor, then there will be no transcript to save it.

5. Improve your SEO

Many companies and organizations use transcription services like Scriptoman to make video content easily searchable.Unfortunately, search engines cannot watch a video or listen to audio. However, if a video is transcribed or captioned, Google can read this to know exactly what content is in the video. Because search engines like Google or Bing know the content of the video or audio recording, you can rank higher in their search engines for certain search terms and attract more visitors.This allows you to attract more audience that you might otherwise have missed out on. Oh, I almost forgot, YouTube is owned by Google, so the chances of boosting the ranking of your audio-visual content through transcription are boosted even more.

6. Comply with policies and legal issues in some countries

In some countries, such as the United States, pro-inclusion and anti-discrimination policies are becoming increasingly strict.This is something that is on the rise in today's world and we are noticing it more and more on television through sign language, or through transcriptions and captioning in online videos.In many cases and areas, the use of subtitles is mandatory, as well as the transcription of audios or videos is also starting to become mandatory, for example in the academic field.Anything that helps the accessibility of content is undoubtedly very positive for everyone.

7. Helps translation in other languages

Using video transcription will also greatly help in translating video content into other languages. It is much easier to translate a video from text than from audio, so transcribing a video or audio to text is another advantage. Not only will it allow you to be more accessible and create content for everyone, but also your audience, revenue, and interaction will increase by having transcription and subtitles in more than one language. Even more so when the transcription can be done automatically by a tool like Scriptoman. Translation does in other Rolaxit site, linguafor.com.

8. Convert voice to text-on-the go

The beauty of a transcription app is that it’s there for you whenever and wherever you need it to be. In a world that is constantly moving, changing and becoming more advanced, it’s easier than ever to make life more efficient thanks to mobile technology. With a powerful transcription app for Android, students at any education level, business professionals, legal groups, medical practitioners, researchers, and journalists can access fast, accurate and affordable transcription services anywhere.


The quantity and mainly the quality of the advantages offered by transcribing audio or video to text, make it almost impossible to refuse the possibility of including them in your projects.First of all, it helps the accessibility of the content to all those people who for one reason or another cannot listen to the audio. Secondly, transcription is extremely beneficial for the understanding of the content, either for a person who speaks the same language or for people whose main language is not the one spoken in the video. Another great advantage is that it allows reusing a video and reconverting it into content for websites, not to mention the notorious translation into many languages. It is a option to speak by other voice. Finally, it is worth mentioning again the importance of transcription in the SEO positioning of your content, as well as in the increase of interaction and reach that it can have.

What other advantages do you think I forgot to mention that you think should be included in this list?
